Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Configuring Nette in Neon

Monday, February 18th, 2013

I bet you didn’t know it but Nette’s internal behaviour can be configured quite extensively in config.neon. Default form error messages, switching on/off debugger panels, changing mailer to use SMTP instead of mail() and so on. All of this can be set up in PHP but keeping configuration out of your code helps making it easier to read. Do have a look, it has a great potential. As usually, the documentation is pretty bare and it’s up to us to discover the whole truth. This post contains some additional information that I scavenged in forums or discovered myself. (more…)

You thought using Skype was secure?

Monday, August 13th, 2012

Many of us send sensitive information over Skype chat in order to prevent a third party from reading it. Think login credentials for example. What you may not know is that Skype is set by default to store chat history on your hard disk. Nothing wrong with it if it weren’t in plain text!
